Monday, June 6, 2011


We complain about the heat, we complain about the cold.  Autumn and spring are fleeting.  I don't mind summer really.  I get hot...REALLY hot sometimes, but I would rather be hot than cold.  Granted, exercise is a lot more tolerable in lower temperatures but food consumption is less desirable in the warmer months.  It evens out.

Tomorrow I am scheduled to have my hair chopped.  I am nervous but... excited at the same time.  I hope it turns out well.  My hair can be a bit tricky to maintain.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Watercolor Randomness

Last night I wanted to paint but it was Friday and I was having some wine so chatting with friends seemed like the thing to do.  I didn't want to do anything too detailed or involved because that sort of painting requires a lot of focus and attention but my hands were itching for the brush so I ended up making this.   Going to bed last night I wasn't sure I liked it very much but this morning I can see it with different eyes. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I didn't get around to trimming the bushes properly before the bloomed so my flowerbed in the front of the house is a bit out of control.  The azalea bushes are in full bloom and are threatening to overcome the house with an explosion of color.  I was experimenting with a new camera app on my phone.  It has an 8mp camera (which is the same as my old point and click - pnc takes better pics nonetheless) and this app has a lot of different settings the Canon does not.
Lots of promises for rain but not a drop so far this week.  I hope we get some soon.  I love spring showers.  The way they smell, the lightning, the winds that make the trees bend and twist.  One of my favorite ways to spend an hour or so is sitting in my carport during a storm.  I have never had an indoor/outdoor area quite like it.  Built onto the house I am completely shielded from the elements yet I can still feel the wind and smell the wet concrete and listen to the rain.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Side One

More bookmarks!  I love making these.  It is a small original piece of art that you can actually use!  This is my latest completed piece and I love it so much I want to keep it for myself!  I can't be greedy thought, and since I only read one book at a time I will just keep my original attempt at bookmark making since it is on paper that is a bit on the thin side compared to my latest attempts.  I don't have any photos of my keeper, but I will make a point to take some in the future.  This took between 6-8 hours to ink and these doodle pieces are fun because I can just kind of zone out drawing while watching TV.  I get my inspiration from stationary, friends and Google Image searches for Floral Patterns.

Side Two
For sale at my etsy shop: 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Old Things

I took this photo where I used to work.  It was a haphazard old building with annoying hallways and corners.  Sometimes I miss the place yet I can't make myself go into the new business that is now renting the space.  I always wondered what, if any purpose these pipes served. 

I have spent the past hour or so looking through an old hard drive full of pictures and artwork.  Most of the art I have in hard copy so it is the same ol', same ol' but there are a few digital pieces that I had forgotten I made.  It is always nice to go back to things that I have created in the past.  I can often see them in a new light.  The same goes for writing.  I love the stories I wrote 10 years ago and often can pick up where I left off with more success than I might have starting something new.

Such a Beautiful Day

It is so beautiful outside that I am almost glad to have yard work that needs to be done.  After that I really must get out and take some pictures while the bushes are in full bloom.  I never trimmed them before they started budding so everything looks a bit like a bad hair day but something about the wildness appeals to me.  A happy mistake.  You can't tell in this photo but the tree in this picture has tiny green buds all over the winter branches.

I suppose I am going to let mom chose one of several bookmarks I have made rather than choosing for her.  I am not very good at designing something for someone unless they give me very specific instructions. Otherwise it turns out to be whatever I am feeling like making at the moment, which isn't always appropriate. The rest will go up for sale in my etsy shop.

Speaking of my shop, I was featured in my first treasury yesterday!

That makes me smile!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blue Ridge

I love visiting the Blue Ridge Mountains.  They aren't as dramatic as the Rockies but the ancient feeling of land being violent rearranged in a moment's notice is unmistakable when you visit.  The smooth crests covered in trees, the carved land-sides made to accommodate cars and roads... there is kind of a hollowed out lonely feeling that hovers in these lands.   

Slowly the world creeps in and adds horrible things like power lines and streets to the natural beauty, but that is the price to pay once humans move in.  We make our mark on the plain and beautiful alike.  I wish it didn't take me three hours to take a nice walk in these lovely hills.  There is just so much they have to offer.