Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I didn't get around to trimming the bushes properly before the bloomed so my flowerbed in the front of the house is a bit out of control.  The azalea bushes are in full bloom and are threatening to overcome the house with an explosion of color.  I was experimenting with a new camera app on my phone.  It has an 8mp camera (which is the same as my old point and click - pnc takes better pics nonetheless) and this app has a lot of different settings the Canon does not.
Lots of promises for rain but not a drop so far this week.  I hope we get some soon.  I love spring showers.  The way they smell, the lightning, the winds that make the trees bend and twist.  One of my favorite ways to spend an hour or so is sitting in my carport during a storm.  I have never had an indoor/outdoor area quite like it.  Built onto the house I am completely shielded from the elements yet I can still feel the wind and smell the wet concrete and listen to the rain.

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